Ghi chú Giao_diện_dòng_lệnh

  1. An example is the comprehensive internal help system of the DR-DOS 7.03 DEBUG command, which can be invoked via ?? at the debug prompt (rather than only the default ? overview). Specific help pages can be selected via ?n (where n is the number of the page). Additionally, help for specific commands can be displayed by specifying the command name after ?, f.e. ?D will invoke help for the various dump commands (like D etc.). Some of these features were already supported by the DR DOS 3.41 SID86GEMSID.
  2. Conventions for describing commands on DOS-like operating systems. Notable difference: The Windows Server 2003 R2 documentation uses italic letters for "Information that the user must supply", while the Server 2008 documentation uses angle brackets. Italics can not be displayed by the internal "help" command while there is no problem with angle brackets.
  3. With the exception of ASCII art.
  4. Via Finder, Applications, Utilities, Terminal.